Technical Overview of the CLR
Before writing this week's entry, I decided to include and image of a CLR representation or diagram. Unfortunately, the first thing I got when searching CLR in Google was this mineral deposit remover. Probably this is irrelevant to the post, but it was funny. Probably not as funny as Erik Meijer and Jim Miller, authors of "Technical Overview of the Common Language Runtime". Having said this, it is time to talk about JVM vs CLR. JVM is an environment that executes Java programs. The cycle consists that Java programs are compiled into an intermediate language called byte code, then any program compiled into byte code can be executed on any platform that has a JVM installed on it. Have you already notice the power of this? well, if you do not notice, this makes Java software compatible with many different computing platforms, so it is a very powerful feature! In the other way, CLI a platform-independent development system from Microsoft that enables program...